POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : object{macro()} fails because union : object{macro()} fails because union Server Time
4 Nov 2024 19:21:58 EST (-0500)
  object{macro()} fails because union  
From: marabou
Date: 29 Nov 2001 07:13:26
Message: <3c062665@news.povray.org>

it ain't the first time i use macros, but now i think so.
in my code i make a call to a macro which itself is a loop which calls 
another macro. special is that the first macro-call fails and povray does 
not start render if i use the main-call in an object-construct:
        object{mymacro(xd,yd) rotate y*90}
        Parsing.... ein_fach([...]
        union   <----ERROR
                [...]no matching } in object, union found instead.
but if i use
the code is interpreted without errors. (but then i do not know how rotate 
the object in macro).
does anybody know what i did wrong or how i can solve this?
thank for hints.

btw: do not search for macro "mymacro()" in code extract.

code follows (extract):



#declare ef_box_br = 0.31;
#declare ef_box_ho = 0.07;
#declare ef_box_ti = 0.4;

#macro ein_fach(ix,iy,iz)
        ix, iy, iz:     verschiebung im raum
union{                                  <----here the error is shown

                box {}
                box {}
                pigment{color White}

                pigment{color White}
        translate <ix,iy,iz>

#macro fachwand(anz_x,anz_y,ix,iy,iz)
#local count_x = 0;
#local count_y = 0;
#while (count_x <= anz_x)
        #while (count_y <= anz_y)
                #declare count_y = count_y + 1;
        #declare count_y = 0;
        #declare count_x = count_x + 1;


object{fachwand(37,35,-5.9,0,5.6)}      <-------------fails

fachwand(37,35,0,0,0)                   <-------------okay

-----------------------------code end-----------------

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